Monday 31 December 2012

Happy New Year

Happy New Year everyone! I hope you all have all been enjoying some quality time with the ones you love. Our new years was a quiet one. The first time we have just spent it as a family. Normally Jason would be away with work and I would have invited a few girls over for games of cards. This year he was home, we put the kids to bed and got to sit together on the couch watching nothing exciting, just being together was enough. We sat up, saw in the new year and went to bed. We may seem like an old married couple but it's how we like it sometimes. Spending time with your best friend is what it's all about anyway, isn't it?

Recently our pastor was speaking about making plans for our life. Making sure we are moving forward in our personal growth, our relationship with God and anything else we may need to step it up with. It is something I have been thinking about a lot lately. I do love my list so of course I have a lot on it. I like to know I am going somewhere even if there is no clear direction. I like change and I like to get excited about the future. I have a husband who is so relaxed about almost everything. Although he is my best friend he does drive me crazy in this department (sometimes best friends do that!). He doesn't seem to make too many plans. It is something we are going to work on in this new year of ours.

We do have some plans though. We are hoping to do a bit of renovation on our house so thats a big one.  Not sure what I'm doing yet as have decided to put study on hold again. I was thinking of volunteering somewhere but not sure yet. I do know I will be enjoying some coffee dates with some beautiful friends of mine. Having kids around 24/7 put a bit of a dampener on any of that. We are all excited for the kids, they are going back to their old private school and time will be mine/ours again.

Talking about kids and school has got me thinking about lunches. I was going to start a group on facebook (still might yet) and invite all mums to put their ideas/links out there for others to see. I get stuck in this area. I bake some things but mostly it's junk. I want to start the school year off well. My kids have hardly touched any of the usual food they ate before. I just stopped buying it and they just found other things to eat. When they are at school I like to know if they are hungry they have something available. I have a daughter who doesn't like sandwiches or wraps. If she had her way it would be sushi instead. I am not about to do that and I know some people send their kids with leftovers from meals. I like that idea but am never sure how to store it for them. I need a bit of help. If you are a great mum who has it all together in this department, feel free to help me and others out.

If you can't or don't want to respond on here, feel free to add me on facebook.  I would love to hear what ideas you all have.

May 2013 be a year we all look deep into ourselves. Let's not stay the same as we have been, let's start making big plans for our present and our future. The past has been and gone, a new year awaits. What are the amazing things you are going to achieve???

Thursday 20 December 2012

Merry Christmas

Well it's the busy time of the year, I for one will be glad for next week to come and then I can sit down and relax. That is of we are still here with this whole December 22nd prediction looming lol. I for one am not buying into the hype, but time will tell. If we are still here we will get to enjoy a nice day celebrating our sons 12th birthday and our church Christmas carols in the park. I really am sure God has a lot more things he wants to do, and want's us to do before he destroys everything.
Every year I like to get the five of us and do a family Christmas photo. Time just wasn't on our side this year so it didn't happen. I did however get a picture of our three kids. I found the idea on Pinterest but it wasn't as successful as the ones I saw. I like it still so thats the main thing. Our eldest was not amused but we took the picture anyway. I like fun pictures but feel the kids are going to be glad when I stop making them do them lol.

 Merry Christmas to you all. I pray you enjoy some special family time, and may you take a moment in the busyness of it all, to remember the reason for the season.... Jesus!

Tuesday 4 December 2012

Tis The Busy Season

Well since my last post my days seemed to get busier. I have managed to almost complete my Christmas shopping and have been helping out with different activities our church has been doing.

My friend Jenn and I made these for our youth group kids at Velocity. They were a big hit and quite easy to make. We made them up and they glued on some decorations.

I got the idea for these m&m bags off Pinterest. I couldn't resist making these. I am in the process of making a heap of these for the Velocity kids as part of their Christmas gift packs. I think they turned out great!

This is our fabulous group of ladies. We had our end of year Christmas party where enjoyed a lovely breakfast, played a fun game that I found, listened to a great message my Mel and and shared a gift with each other. We have such a great group of ladies and it's so nice to see so many new faces and the size of our group growing. I also made some m&m bags for our ladies who thought they were great.

Tuesday 27 November 2012

Growing Up Fast

The weeks seem to be flying by so quickly. I really cant believe it's almost December.
For the first time in a very long time I am not ready for Christmas to come yet. I have not been present shopping. I usually would have been by now. Having kids home has not allowed me the time to brows the shops, and every time hubby is home there have been more important things to get done.

We have been busy here with kids getting their work books done and I have been trying to sort through   a lot of things around the house. The two terms with the kids home has flown by. The term will be over and they will be on holidays and back at school before I know it!                

Sometimes it's hard to remember how small my kids use to be. They have grown so much, some days I would love to have them little again but most of the time I just enjoy knowing they are growing up and becoming who they are meant to be.

Mr Grumpy 11 almost 12, grumpy most of the time but has the biggest heart and is always willing to help anyone. He loves to get involved in things and enjoys hanging with adults more than his peers. Always has been older than his actual age. Sometimes I wonder where he came from and what his ultimate career path will be. He has the brains and the drive so it will be interesting. He loves technology so i'm sure that will be involved somehow.

Our little Miss Pretty 10. This pretty little girl of ours has turned from a sweet and innocent little girl, into a sometimes innocent but most of the time weird, crazy and sometimes moody young lady. Life is never dull with her around. She likes funky things with lots of colour, enjoys putting make-up on or colouring her hair with crayons or anything else she can find. If she's not doing that she's at the park with her little brother. Not sure of her career path either but I'm sure it wont be anything dull. 
This is our Mr Cheeky 8. He is everything you would expect a boy to be. Always active in some way. He reminds me a lot of my brother when we were little. He is playing teeball at the minute and is really good at it. He and I share a birthday and we seem to have a similar temperament but he's definately the stirrer in the family. When he's not running around annoying anyone or playing, you will find him in front of the tv playing Xbox. He is like his dad and enjoys all the 'shooting' games he can find. He want's to join the army when he's older. His dad and pop were in the Navy so it kinda runs in the blood. It will be interesting to see how that unfolds as he grows up. 

Tuesday 9 October 2012

Worry Not

Hello everyone, how are we today? I am not sure who really follows my ramblings really because you are all so quiet!!!!! I see there are many of you from all around the world and I am happy to have you joining me now and then.
Well as you all know I love to scrapbook. For the past month I have kept all my stuff out and sat at my table most days and just got stuck into it. It was amazing and it was a much needed time for me.  I also managed to keep up with things around the house. Whenever I needed a break I got up and pottered around and got little things done. 
It was nice to relax and focus on things I wanted to and not have to be so responsible for five minutes. Something I don't do very well being the control freak, order keeper and bossy mum lol. It felt amazing!
While I was in this scrapping zone, I really started thinking about what I enjoy and what makes me happy. Other than scrapping I really enjoy reading. Not the soppy romance kinda stuff. (That was all I read as a teen). Now the kind of books I read are the ones that improve me and get my mind thinking.
Recently I ordered a book called 'Unglued' by Lysa Terkeurst. It arrived yesterday and because I have packed up my scrapping stuff for a minute, I thought I would enjoy the sun while it was shining and enjoy a cuppa with my new book. I got through a few chapters and then had to come inside for a while. Without thinking I got onto the computer and just started looking up counselling courses to do online. I found one that will let me start when I am ready and at my own pace. I spoke to someone but have not decided if I want to start it yet. When I do it will be part time not all in like before. Will let you know how that goes.
A while later I made another cuppa and sat outside for more sun and read a few more chapters. One section made me stand up out of my chair and head strait to my computer and here I am.
This is the bit of gold that I found;

'The radio announcer was talking about how freaked out people get when their cats climb up trees. His guest was a firefighter who gets at least one call a week from someone wanting help to get their cat down. The firefighter said, if he has time, he'll help them out, but if he's not able to go, he gently reminds the cat owner that he's never seen a cat skeleton in a tree.'

I am someone who thinks about everything and want's to know that things will work out. If there is a problem I want to find the solution. I like all my 'duck's in a row' so everything will 'work out'.
Sometimes we control freaks need to let go and let God.
God has a plan.
God's plans will work out.
God's plan is better than ours.
Once we work that out, we find we don't need to know it all, and don't need all the answers before we let go.
I am slowly learning all of this, as I am sure some of you out there are.
If you can get a hold of 'Unglued', I am sure you will enjoy it as much as I have so far.

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart;  do not depend on your own understanding           Seek his will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take."
Proverbs 3:5-6

Monday 17 September 2012

Feeling Alive!???

Hello everyone! It's been a while I know. Having my three kids at home, home-schooling has been quite rewarding but also time consuming. I have thought to get on here but have not really wanted to. The inspiration just hasn't been there. There have been days where I felt quite ordinary and not really interested in anything.
When we started home-schooling, the plan was to do it just for the last half of this year. We have been to the kids old private school and hope to start them there next year.
With all these plans for them, I have been thinking a lot about my own plans. Plans to have five minutes to my self again, and what can I do once I have more free time again. I have tried the study thing and found it quite hard but it was interesting to me. I don't have long until my score runs out and I would have to re-sit the exam to get it back again, if I don't use it before then. This has made me wonder if I should try again. Just take it slow and see. I was studying counselling and i'm sure their was a reason why I started it.
I guess the biggest thing that has had me thinking was something that was said some weeks ago by my Pastor.
Pastor Ian was sharing how much he feels ALIVE! when he goes surfing. It's his thing. The way he was discribing how it makes him feel and how he tries to do it as much as possible, really got me thinking.
I actually have not stopped thinking about it since!
What has been on my mind since that day has had me wondering. What is my thing?
I guess looking back I have just been in mummy/wife mode for so long, that I have kinda forgotten who I am and what I like.
Yes I have enjoyed myself over the years but I really don't know if that real ALIVE! feeling has been there.
Yes I have all that I have ever wanted. Yes I am happy. But am I ALIVE!??
Does this mean I am a boring person? Have I not truly lived because I have not found my thing?
I guess this is how Satan can get at us and cause confusion and doubt in us. We can start comparing ourselves to others and what they do and what they have achieved.
If I really want to, I can keep thinking this way and feel like I have let myself down, when in reality I should just think of it as a time to re-evaluate and think of the great things I actually do.
When I had decided it was ok if I don't get that ALIVE! feeling when I do anything, I actually realised I am content with the things I do enjoy.
For me scrapbooking is what I love to do. I can't say it gets my adrenaline going but I do enjoy it, especially when scrapping with others. The more I do it the happier I get.
I have been constantly saying I wan't to scrap but never get it out unless someone is going to do it with me. I recently had some friends around to scrap and since then I have left it out so I can do little bits at a time. My house feels messy to me because it's all out and it does get to me, but at the same time I am happy I am doing something I love so I don't care.
I know my pastor was not intending to make anyone feel bad if they don't have a thing. What I think he was trying to tell us was..... go live your life and have fun, enjoy it and do what you love to do.
If you don't know what it is maybe it's time to find it. Just make sure it's something just for you and make it your thing.  

“In almost everything that touches our everyday life on earth, God is pleased when we’re pleased. He wills that we be as free as birds to soar and sing our maker’s praise without anxiety.” ~A.W. Tozer

Friday 27 July 2012

Cheers to new beginnings

Hi sorry I have been absent for so long. I had planned to blog a lot more than I have when I started on here. Life seems to get in the way and I don't seem to get here as often as I would like.

Lately there have been a lot of social engagements to attend and the kids had school holidays so not a lot of time for blogging during all of that.

The most important engagement was the wedding of my most beautiful 'couch' friend. The one I have blogged about earlier. She has finally found her prince charming and he has swept her off her feet. There was not a long courtship but when you know you have the right one, that really does not matter one bit. Luke and Alinta are a perfect match. I was a part of Alinta's first wedding and was honored to be a part of this one. It is so nice to see her so happy again.
The day was a causal affair but turned out beautiful in every way.
Luke and Alinta

My spunky husband(the photographer) and me
The latest news for our family is we have decided to go down the homeschool road. We had our kids in a private school and we were planning to re-locate a bit further south so took the kids out at the end of the year. This was a year and a half ago and things didn't quite pan out. Since then we bought a house locally and left the kids in the public school. Well needless to say, we saw some changes in them that were not what we would have like to see. They were doing okay academically but their changed behavior was not something we wanted to continue. The BIG choice was made and we are now schooling them at home through a distance education. Eventually we would like them to attend the private school again but we want to see some changes in them before we do. They are great kids but sometimes as a parent we need to step in and do our part to help them become greater
I know some people would probably think we are crazy or even controlling in a way. I think that is the whole point though. We would be crazy not to step in and steer them in a better direction and as parents it our responsibility to do the best job we know to do. It is not a long term path for us (well not at the moment) but I know others who love it and will continue on with it for years to come. Luckily for us the kids were all for it.
There have been some amazing days so far, lots of laughing and bonding going on. There has also been the odd grumble at the amount of work given at the moment due to testing to find out their grade level, but generally it's been a great move for us.

We are planning a family holiday for later this year and lucky for us we can go whenever we want to. We get to enjoy the quiet seasons when everyone else is not on holidays. What we are working on is where to go. The kids and I have never left Australia so would like to experience something new but the homebody in me thinks lets just go to Queensland.  
What I would love to know from any of my beautiful readers is where would you go? If you have been anywhere as a family and your kids had a blast please share with me so I can do a bit of research!!

Thanks in advance and please feel free to leave a comment even if its as anonomys........

Monday 25 June 2012

Simple Ideas For us Mum's

60 Simple Ways to Reclaim Your Day

1. Turn on music. Try a soundtrack - it makes life feel a bit more dramatic. Meaningful. And maybe try dancing with that four year old.
2. Give everyone ice cream.
3. Turn on a movie and actually watch it with them.
4. Put shoes on and go for a walk.
5. Start a quiet time in the house. For everybody. Including you.
6. Work together to make cards for someone important.
7. Weed the garden.
8. Choose one room to clean and only work on that room.
9. Sit and pray. And pray some more.
10. Light some candles.
11. Wash dishes by hand - being grateful for those who eat from the dishes.
12. Read some books. Out loud.
13. Organize toys. I love this one, I love sorting, and cleaning, and establishing order.
14. Call a friend. 
15. Go for a walk. Walk to the park. Anything.
16. Rest in the grass and look at the clouds.
17. Sing songs together. Refer back to point one for options.
18. Paint. Anything. Again.
19. Give each of your children a hug and tell them you love them.
20. Write your spouse a note thanking him for all of his work.
21. Shake out some rugs. {helps with frustration}
22. Load everyone up in the car, drive to get coffee, and breathe.
23. Clean the garage.
24. Sit on the floor and build with legos.
25. Write stories together letting everyone add a new sentence.
26. Look through old pictures.
27. Watch old movies.
28. Be okay with not having everything perfect.
29. Pull out some workbooks.
30. Color together.
31. Have everyone sit at the table and brainstorm 5 things they want to do this summer.
32. Blow bubbles. Especially if you have littles.
33. Start to laugh. 
34. Count to 10. Or 100. Or 1000. Whatever it takes.
35. Write down 10 things you love about your child.
36. Start whispering to each other - you'll be amazed at how quiet it gets.
37. Pull weeds.
38. Make an obstacle course in the backyard.
39. Don't let the hard stuff of the day define your tomorrow.
40. Read some Scripture.
41. Bake cookies as a surprise.
42. Let the supermum ideal go.
43. Choose one thing to do right now. Do it well.
44. Wash walls. Get the kids involved. They'll think it's fun.
45. Search the house for change.
46. Sit down and have everyone be still for a bit.
47. Write Bible verses down. Read them. Post them around.
48. Be okay with telling your kids you're having a hard day.
49. Brew sun tea.
50. Remind yourself to never give up.
51. Give yourself grace.
52. Look at the littles while they sleep - gives perspective.
53. Run around the house. Or have the kids run around the house.
54. Go outside and play with them.
55. Tell your husband you love him and that you are proud of him.
56. Look for 3 blessings right around you.
57. Watch Gilligan's Island.
58. Watch Little House on the Prairie - the early seasons.
59. Don't compare your life with others.
60. Take some deep breaths.

And know - you are not alone.

Saturday 23 June 2012

We Have Created!!!

Well I have started a craft group at my church. So far there are seven of us doing our own projects. I am scrap booking along with some others, some are cross-stitching and long-stitching.
I have finally got my groove back and am loving all the pages I am getting done. I am thankful I get one day a week to just get my scrap stuff out and focus on nothing else for a few hours.
Recently I picked up a make your own card pack for all of $12 and decided I will have a go one day soon. I never thought I would make cards because I enjoy scrapping so much but I like the idea now so gave it a go.

Well tonight was the night I got it out and tried. My boys even had a turn too. This is what we made. I hope you like them. I hope you get inspired to do some of your own projects too.....

Tuesday 19 June 2012

Nicer Times

After an interesting time last week I was looking forward to some quieter days this week. With power back on, kids back at school and routine happening again, hubby and I managed to fit some quality time in.

We went and sussed out a place that sells chocolate and more chocolate. We walked in and thought we would walk out with some of the merchandise but after we had this we decided we had had enough chocolate for a while.

    Once we had a bit of room in our tummies we went and had some lunch at our favorite indian restaurant.
By the time we left we felt quite full but it was worth it just to spend some quality time together.

The rainbow at the end of the storm was the wood we managed to score from the tree and the pole that fell down. We definitely are well stocked for next winter now.

Philippians 4:19
And this same God who takes care of me will supply all your needs from his glorious riches, which have been given to us in Christ Jesus.

Knowing God's Peace In The Storm

Do you know how to stand firm in the storms and not let them sway you or blow you away?
This past week I was tested in a big way....
Upon coming home from church on sunday, my thoughts were on getting a birthday cake for my youngest son as we were having a family gathering later in the afternoon. It was all planned but what I didn't know was we were expecting a lot of wet and windy weather.
Living near the ocean is great in summer but winter can bring strong winds!
As we headed home I could tell the wind had picked up. There were tree branches every where along the road and as we got to the cake shop I knew we were in for a wild time and we needed to get home as soon as possible.
Upon getting home i realized we had no power and there was part of a shed/fence that was flapping in the wind. I knew I had to try tying it down but the wind was so strong and my eldest son and I could not do anything so we just left it. The feeling in the air was quite daunting and it felt like a 'Dorothy' moment for me so before we could get blown away or have something fly from out of nowhere to land on us we got inside!
In the end the wind snapped the shed piece in half and it landed on the ground so I felt better about it. As the wind died down a bit the kids and I went out the front and as we were talking to our neighbor we heard a crash. This is what we found......

We live near a park and I guess one of the trees decided the wind was too strong for it and it fell. Unfortunately for us it was on our power lines and this meant power would not be back on any time soon. There was a lot of damage around and we would have to just get in line and wait like everyone else. What a bummer that was. Thankfully we had a wood fire to keep us warm and still had the gas stove to cook. It's funny how we become so complacent and don't worry until something happens that makes us leave our comfort zones. Having the power on is something I am sure we all take for granted, when it's gone it makes for interesting times. I was content to carry on as usual but I have three techno kids who don't know much about a life that doesn't allow you to charge up the ipods! We did enjoy playing cards by candlelight and I enjoyed the early nights too.
So no power on at home, three kids not going to school and a husband away meant long days for me. The kids were fine but I could tell they were kinda unsure about what was going on. Tuesday came and usually when it's your birthday you have a good day. It happens that our youngest shares his birthday with me but because there was so much going on it didn't feel like a happy day at all. I actually wanted to just go back to bed and have it next week! Thankfully my beautiful friends Alinta and Luke had power and so we went over to visit to get some over due washing done and charge some things up. The weather warning on the news said we were due for another storm with strong winds so prepare. Alinta offered for us to stay the night. I said no to start with but after being at her place with some sort of normality I decided we should stay and get a good night sleep. The problem with that meant I was leaving my home to fend for itself. People lost fences and some lost their roof on Sunday. I wasn't sure how bad the next storm was going to be but I just prayed that when we got home the next morning everything would be fine and left it in God's hands. Our birthday ended a lot better than we expected and we even got a cake made for us by Luke.
On arriving home Wednesday morning we turned into our street and saw workers fixing the power pole and found our home still in one piece with the power back on...Thank you Jesus! It was a really nice way to start the day. That night hubby came home too so all was starting to get back to some sort of normal.
What I learnt from this experience is;
I am tougher than I know during trying times and that God's peace is never far away when I desperately need it. Sometimes we are more prepared for the unexpected than we realize. All I know is if I didn't have a BIG God who is in control and couldn't turn to HIM I probably would have stressed out more than I needed to.
What do you do during trying times? Do you try do it in your own strength or do you call on the one who has all the answers?
Psalm 18:2 “The LORD is my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer; my God, my strength, in whom I will trust; my buckler, and the horn of my salvation, and my high tower.”

Sunday 20 May 2012

The Knots Prayer

Things That Bind Us

Hi again, today I want to to talk about those things that hold us back from doing what we are wanting to do. Why do we fight the possibility of something better, or against the things we actually want?
I find I make up my mind to do something but then find every excuse not to do it or it just seems too hard so I don't keep trying.
Last time I said how I had put on a few kilos and I have been wanting to do something about it but have just not bothered too much. Well this past week I have decided to dust off the treadmill and started using it again. Yay me!
It's so refreshing when you actually put your mind to something and start. 
I am not sure about you but I find making that first step can be the hardest. Knowing what we want to do but not being sure how to go about it. 
For some of you it is a weight issue like mine. For others of you it could be wanting to stop smoking, drinking, or a drug habit that has just consumed you and you have just had enough! Or it could be things like spending too much money, swearing or just wanting to be a better person in general.
Every day we fight against our own flesh and a devil that want's to stop us from moving forward, onto bigger and better things. These things can take up a big part of our lives and we can feel trapped. That is exactly where satan likes us to be and how he want's us to feel. That's when we say "I can't do it", "I am always going to be this way", "There is nothing I can do to change this".
These are all LIES, there is nothing our God can't change and nothing He can't fix!!!!
We can have better and we deserve it.
When we make the choice to move in a new direction we may start out fantastic. We have a fresh new out look. Everything goes smoothly until it starts getting tough or we don't see results right away.
The problem is we generally try to do it in our own strength. Once we do this giving up becomes the easiest option.
I am here today to tell you we have a BIG God. He is more powerful and stronger than any strength and will power we may have. Our God has given us the Holy Spirit to guide us and to call upon in these times that we need help and guidance to push through. There is no other way we can conquer what we have held onto for so long. We need to get a revelation of who the Holy Spirit is and how much He want's to guide us and see us succeed in everything we set out to do.
Apart from my wight issue I also have a public speaking phobia that I am slowly letting the Holy Spirit deal with. I have NEVER liked to get up in front of people and during my school years I would only get a pass in my classes because I would always say I didn't want to do my verbal presentations. It would eat at me during the lead up and I could never do them.
Up until recently I had enjoyed a life without having to do any speeches and had not had to stand up in front of a group of people. I was content with that! That was until I changed churches a year ago. Since then I have stood up in front of the majority of our church members and shared my testimony. I didn't even want to run like I normally would have and I was happy to do it. For me to do it I have had to know that the Holy Spirit was with me and know that there is a bigger calling on my life. If I want to get a glimpse of it I need to push through and do those 'hard' things. Things that make me want to run and give up.
I still get nervous and don't want to do it but at the same time I want to get past it and break the chains that have been on me my whole life. It is time for me to drop them and run free and chain-less.
I have also been one to need a push start or it takes me longer to move.
Do you need that push? I am happy to be the one to start you off.........
Get going and start moving in the right direction. Don't let satan hold you back any longer than he already has. Move forward into bigger and better things.

Thursday 3 May 2012

Who We See vs Who God Sees

Who do you see when you look in the mirror? What do you think about when you think of you? Does it all line up with what others say about you or even what God says you are?
At this stage of my life and as I'm slowly creeping up to my 35th birthday, life seems to be throwing a lot of things at me and I seem to be dodging more than embracing.
This past year the person I seemed to be for years before has started to fade away. I was always content to sit on the side-lines and watch, hardly joined in things and didn't mind one bit. This year has found me reaching out to others, putting my hand up for this and that, talking more and wrestling with my God more but at the same time thanking Him for the amazing things I see He has planned for me.
I have generally been content with who I have been and never worried myself with the way I look or how people perceived me. I knew who I was and who loved me, thats all I needed.
Not so much these days......
I still don't care what others think of me, I instead have become my own critic. I don't like to shop because I can never find things to wear that I like. I have also put on a few extra kilos I never thought I would and that makes a difference how clothes fit anyway. I found out I am lacking iron and that is what has made me tired all the time. As we age our bodies have funny ways of doing things thats for sure. Sometimes accepting things for what they are is hard especially for us women.
It seems each new week I am drawn into something that is challenging me to think out-side the box. Out-side my own thinking and the perception I have of myself. I am greatly encouraged by the people in my life who see so much more in me than I do. God has been showing me snippets of the call on my life and at times it's beyond my own expectations, beyond my wildest dreams. I guess thats why he's God and I am not. God knows what He has called me to be, if I knew already or had it all given to me now I would surely crumble with the lot in one go. I feel strongly that I am being groomed into the position. One step and one day at a time.
Does it all line up with who I see in my mirror? Who I perceive myself to be? No Way!
All I know is I just have to trust that God has a plan. He sees all things and knows how it turns out. My part is not to figure it out but just listen and obey. Thats a hard thing for a control freak like me to do but it's all part of the grooming process. unfortunately the stretching and growing pains come with it.
God knows what we are truly capable of. He want's to use our strengths and weaknesses and we should never think we are not worth the effort, not worth being used by Him.
The person in your mirror whether you know it or not is amazing, special and created to be more than you could ever dream. Believe those good things said about you. Believe those things God has said about you and know the amazing things God has shown you for your future are possible. Simply because you were created specifically for that and once you are there you will wonder why you ever doubted you could be capable or worthy of being there or doing that.
                                                              Through my divine power,
                                                  I have given you everything you need
                                                  for life and godliness.
                                                  Don't limit me to your previous experiences;
                                                  I want to do new things in your life.
                                                  My plans are far beyond your wildest dreams!
                                                  Love, Your Faithful God
                                                  James 1:17; Eph. 3:20, 2 Peter 1:3
                                                  From: Hugs for Women
                                                  Personalized Scripture
                                                  by LeAnn Weiss

Thursday 12 April 2012

Mummy Moments

Hi again sorry I seem to not get here as often as I would like but hopefully when I do put something on here it's useful in some way.
Today I want to talk about being a mum. 
At this time in my 'mummy career' I am feeling a little tired and deflated and sometimes wish I could change to a new 'office' and start again somewhere else!
I have three children, each one seems to be going through some change or another. 
The oldest is 11 and is going through a huge testosterone stage. He can be quite nasty and feral really. He is mostly verbal and its hard to be around him sometimes. 
The middle child is 10, she is also having off days and seems to cry at the smallest things. Her brother took a blanket from her room and we had tears for ages after that! Her dad can't say boo to her without tears....aahhhh.
The youngest is almost 8 and seems to be grumpy a fair bit too. I think it has a lot to do with the older ones moods brushing off on him but I do remember the 10 year old was similar around the same age.

Some days it would be nice to do this!
Yes these are the 'days of our lives'. We are 'young and restless' around here. There is a lot going on and some days I think, what did I do to deserve this? Other days I just out right don't know what to do or say to fix it and other days I seem to find the answer. When it's up to us mum's to care for the kids most of the time on our own, it can become draining and we can wear out. I happened to visit with a friend who has been through this stage with her kids and really encouraged me to keep doing things the way I have been because I am on the right track. It can be hard to know if you are 'winning' when you are seeing no clear results. Sometimes we need the encouragement from another person to see we are doing okay.
If you are like me and don't have a lot of support and your kids are not behaving the best, don't loose heart  dear mum. Keep strong and know this is just a season that will pass,  just stay strong and stand your ground. Try not to get blown around too much by the kids or on lookers who only want' to criticize your parenting skills and offer no encouragement or support. Always remember God gave you the kids he did because He knew you are well equipped to raise them the way He wants them to be raised.
Never feel you are alone and the only one going through whatever is happening in your home. You would probably be surprised how many other homes are just as crazy as mine can be.
Be encouraged my friend. God is watching and knows you are doing the best you know how, and want's you to know He is with you every step of the way.

I know I am a great mum and I know in my heart we all are just doing what we know to do.
I pray you never assume you know better than the next person in how to raise another persons child. May you see where you can offer hope and encouragement to someone else and most of all, I pray that you get that encouragement and support that you need.

Wednesday 4 April 2012

Raw and Real

As I sit here I have a little sadness in my heart. I have just had a raw and emotional time, a heart to heart with my God. Tears have flowed and a lot of things have been released.
For years I have lived on empty, trying to do everything on my own and have put myself last for longer than I should. I guess today was just the overdue breaking point. For God to do a work in me I had to get here. It's my own doing. No one else has chosen my path but me. When you try to do life your way you end up at a dead end and stay there until you see that it was the wrong way that you went.
I have not managed to do a post for a while due to being too tired. I have been to doctors over the years to find out why but each time nothing seems to be resolved. I have made an appointment for next week and I am believing for answers this time. I am empty, and almost burnt out, it's time it was sorted out.
The whole point in this blog has been for me to show the raw side of me. Truth and nothing but the truth.
I have been talking to a friend about how as women we have a mask we show the world and we only take it off for some people. Only those we love and trust see the real us. There is more satisfaction in showing people what they want to hear and see than there is with showing raw and real. I am completely guilty of this myself. I rarely show that I am struggling or don't have my life under control. It's exhausting keeping up the lies. Unfortunately we women have bought into Satan's lies. We believe the lies, and live doing things in our own strength and show nothing but perfection. I am feeling more and more that a time is coming where we women will be stronger in our relationships than we have been before. For this to happen we need to let our walls down. We need to show the real us. The woman inside you and me is acceptable and lovable, even with all the ugly truths we never show anyone. We are going to get our breakthrough ladies. Its coming, we just need to do our part.
The Holy Spirit revealed to me, I hadn't really accepted that Jesus was enough for me. His dying on the cross was everything I needed and for me to get my breakthrough I had to lay every burden down at the foot of the cross and say to Jesus.
'Thank you Jesus for showing me raw and real. The stripes on your back, the thorns in your head and the blood you shed, were not in vain. You did all of these things for me, so I didn't have to carry life's burdens. I thank you Jesus for giving me somewhere to release them so I could find peace an comfort. You have shown me a love nothing can compare with. A love that is ever present and gives me strength when I need it. I am sorry I tried to do things in my own strength for so long. I am sorry I bought into Satan's lies for so long. I see where I have done you wrong and lay it all at the foot of your cross. I love you Jesus and thank you for for the love you have given me."

Ladies don't be like me and keep going down the wrong path. Stop where you are, thank Jesus for dying for you and for taking all your burdens with Him to the cross. Thank Him for giving you the answers to life and tell Him you are sorry for not seeing Him for who He really is. Most of all tell Him how much you love Him and need Him in your life.

Monday 26 March 2012

God is calling you







 Thanks for this Linda Brown, we all need this reminder. Sometimes the world doesn't offer what we need because it's not meant to. If you have a heart thats empty and broken. If your life just plainly stinks. Or you are happy but know there must be more. Take it to Jesus, He died on the cross for you and want's to be everything you need. If you have never invited Jesus into your life then why not now. Just do it where you are. He is waiting and want's to show you He loves you and would do anything for you. You just need to believe.

Saturday 24 March 2012

Creative Mess

Okay so by now you would have noticed I have not been doing my daily "real life' photos. I kinda gave up because no one else wanted to join in on the fun. It was quite interesting to see how other people are the same as any one else. We can all make things look good but keeping it up can become exhausting after a while.

During the past few days I have been reflecting on how much being a neat freak has cost me. Usually I don't mind if something is left out for a while as long as it's put away at the end of the day but I now see how it has stopped my creative juices from flowing.
I am creative and love to scrapbook. It is my way of relaxing, socializing and expressing who I am.
The thing is I have not done it for a very long time. It has been one of those things I just don't want to do because of the mess. It involves getting a lot of stuff out and taking up room on the dining table or setting up my fold out table. It involves me making time for myself too. That can sometimes be hard for me to do. Once I start I get engrossed and just create. Things around me don't seem to be as important and I can get lost in my craft.
I get excited!
I am happy!
I have fun!
Sometimes as mums we get lost in the things that we need to do. There hardly seems any time for things we enjoy unless we sacrifice something else. I was born to create. That is a quality God put in me. He want's me to use it the best way I know how. I wasn't created to keep a perfect house and never make a mess. I was created to find ways to express who I am, pull things out and sometimes leave it all out to use the next day or a week later!

“Creativity is inventing, experimenting, growing, taking risks, breaking rules, making mistakes, and having fun.” — Mary Lou Cook

I have so much scrap booking supplies to get through so I have decided that this is the time to get through it. I even went shopping the other day and got some more.
I also have an expensive craft robo that I have hardly used since I bought it. It's time I had a look at what it can do other than look good in a box!

Are you a creative person stuck in the same mindset I have been? I am about to let it go and just create the way I love to. If you are the same why not leave a comment and share what you love to do. Why not share what has been holding you back too. 
Lets just go be who we love being. Life will still carry on and perhaps we will be a little bit happier in it!