Tuesday, 6 March 2012

Challenge yourself........

This is something I am quite challenged with at the moment. It is so easy to live day to day and focus on our own list if things we need to get done, and on things we want.
When we are so focused on ourselves and our own journey, we can sometimes miss what could be more important.
I recently had the opportunity to help out a friend. She is a single mum and we had caught up and during her visit she had mentioned she was wondering how she was going to feed her three kids. This was not a "please do something to help me" it was a general statement made by her.
I heard her but at the time didn't do anything. Over the next few days however God put her on my heart and I knew God wanted me to do a grocery shop for her. I took my boys along with me to the supermarket and we did a general shop for her and her family.
Before I went shopping I made sure my friend was going to be home. Once I was finished shopping I rocked up at her house and told her to come and collect something out of my boot! There was enough food in there to last her a while.

                                                  It was unexpected.
                                                It was overwhelming.
                                           It was just what she needed.

How may times do we go through life actually listening to and seeing the needs around us?
Do you really see the needs of the people you know and love or even a stranger?
Is it so hard to pause for a moment and ask God "who do you want me to serve today Lord?"

This is not a bragging post. It is merely a thought provoking one! I really want to challenge myself and others to find it in your heart to see that we are in a broken world. People all around us are doing it tough in some way. Not necessarily needing food, maybe you know someone who just needs your time.
Loving on someone is not about spending money on them or buying them things. It's about taking time out and saying to someone else you are important enough to me. 

Help them see God has seen their need and He has sent them you.

Taking my boys along with me allowed them to be a part of something bigger than them. It instills in them  a sense of giving and of being self-less. I feel strongly as a mum it is a big part of who I want them to become. If we start them young to focus on others and their needs we end up with amazing, caring adults to send out into this world, full of people that are crying out for someone to notice them.

Love on someone today.
I guarantee it will make some ones day and you will also feel better for it.

1 comment:

  1. brilliant..... beautiful..... and God driven, You go girl. Keep your heart pure and eyes on Him. Vicki
