Friday, 17 February 2012

Happy in the season I am in!

Do you ever feel you are the only person in the world who gets you?
Are you feeling alone in this journey called 'LIFE'? 
Asking "where are you God in all of this? What would you have me do with my life"?
Well I am here to let you in on a secret.......
I have been there and felt that way myself!
Until recently I had been focusing on a lot of things I could do or not do and feeling overwhelmed!!
I am the thinker more than the doer. I like to plan things and make things happen but I have more plans than realities.
Are you with me? Can you relate?
I have three children who are all at school and have been feeling quite alone during the few hours they are there. Some days are good and busy, others are slow and lonesome. I am not one to let things bother me too much, but at times I would think surely there is more 'out there' for me to see and do rather than sit on my butt and let it grow bigger! 
Having another baby or home schooling my kids is out of the question so now what? What shall I do with all this 'free' time?
As long as I can remember all I ever wanted to do with my life was become a wife and mum. I had no career aspirations and when I started having my babies the thought never entered my head that I would need a back up plan once they went to school. I was naive and assumed once a mum that was it, I was set for life. That was my career as far as I was concerned.  Women generations before us would have settled with that.  Not so much theses days. Sadly 'keeping up with the joneses' has become more important for far more people than 'keeping house'.
The days of making do are no more.
The art of the stay- at -home- mum is slowly dying.
I am by far not the perfect mum and I guess I wanted to be nothing more so making do and learning to live on less has been easier for me. My husband has always been the breadwinner and has been happy for me to stay at home. There have been tough times but always knowing God is the true provider for this family and keeping our eyes on HIM has helped get us through.
Over the last few years I have felt a lot of pressure to strive for more. I attempted to go to university but that caused a lot of stress on me and I gave it away. I never though I would ever do that, I proved to myself I am capable and that was great for my self - esteem.
Getting a job is always the next option. Generally thats 'what you do' once the kids are at school. I have looked into it  a few times but nothing has eventuated. The whole social aspect would be nice but the juggling of house and work does not excite me. I am a perfectionist who makes lists. I would be adding far to many extra things onto the to-do list and that my friend would be the end of me. I have not totally ruled this option out but its not a huge priority for me.
There have been times where I have felt like a kept woman. I get to stay home while my husband works hard and brings home the money for me to use. Anyone who knows me knows I am not the spender. Heading to the shops is not one of my favorite things to do. I am the scrooge in this relationship and saving money excites me more than buying a new pair of shoes!
 I know some women don't have a choice and that is ok, everyone is different and has different needs. My argument is God made mums to be the keepers of the home and if we all give up the post out of guilt what happens when there are no watchmen keeping an eye out?
What I ultimately feel is God saying "sweet daughter of mine, don't waste your time on things of this world that wont last. Know that I am your keeper and you are good enough if you are only known as MUM"
We need to take back permission to stay at home with or without children. Our job is never over, not even once they go to school. This is not an attack on working mums. Ultimately its an individual choice and its not always an easy one to make. I have chosen to be happy where I am at, without the guilt and pressure to 'be more'. This is MY season to rest a while but still be on guard.........what season are YOU in? Are you happy in in it?

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