The weeks seem to be flying by so quickly. I really cant believe it's almost December.
For the first time in a very long time I am not ready for Christmas to come yet. I have not been present shopping. I usually would have been by now. Having kids home has not allowed me the time to brows the shops, and every time hubby is home there have been more important things to get done.
We have been busy here with kids getting their work books done and I have been trying to sort through a lot of things around the house. The two terms with the kids home has flown by. The term will be over and they will be on holidays and back at school before I know it!
Sometimes it's hard to remember how small my kids use to be. They have grown so much, some days I would love to have them little again but most of the time I just enjoy knowing they are growing up and becoming who they are meant to be.
Mr Grumpy 11 almost 12, grumpy most of the time but has the biggest heart and is always willing to help anyone. He loves to get involved in things and enjoys hanging with adults more than his peers. Always has been older than his actual age. Sometimes I wonder where he came from and what his ultimate career path will be. He has the brains and the drive so it will be interesting. He loves technology so i'm sure that will be involved somehow. |
Our little Miss Pretty 10. This pretty little girl of ours has turned from a sweet and innocent little girl, into a sometimes innocent but most of the time weird, crazy and sometimes moody young lady. Life is never dull with her around. She likes funky things with lots of colour, enjoys putting make-up on or colouring her hair with crayons or anything else she can find. If she's not doing that she's at the park with her little brother. Not sure of her career path either but I'm sure it wont be anything dull. |
This is our Mr Cheeky 8. He is everything you would expect a boy to be. Always active in some way. He reminds me a lot of my brother when we were little. He is playing teeball at the minute and is really good at it. He and I share a birthday and we seem to have a similar temperament but he's definately the stirrer in the family. When he's not running around annoying anyone or playing, you will find him in front of the tv playing Xbox. He is like his dad and enjoys all the 'shooting' games he can find. He want's to join the army when he's older. His dad and pop were in the Navy so it kinda runs in the blood. It will be interesting to see how that unfolds as he grows up. |
that's them to a tee. LOL.