Thursday, 12 April 2012

Mummy Moments

Hi again sorry I seem to not get here as often as I would like but hopefully when I do put something on here it's useful in some way.
Today I want to talk about being a mum. 
At this time in my 'mummy career' I am feeling a little tired and deflated and sometimes wish I could change to a new 'office' and start again somewhere else!
I have three children, each one seems to be going through some change or another. 
The oldest is 11 and is going through a huge testosterone stage. He can be quite nasty and feral really. He is mostly verbal and its hard to be around him sometimes. 
The middle child is 10, she is also having off days and seems to cry at the smallest things. Her brother took a blanket from her room and we had tears for ages after that! Her dad can't say boo to her without tears....aahhhh.
The youngest is almost 8 and seems to be grumpy a fair bit too. I think it has a lot to do with the older ones moods brushing off on him but I do remember the 10 year old was similar around the same age.

Some days it would be nice to do this!
Yes these are the 'days of our lives'. We are 'young and restless' around here. There is a lot going on and some days I think, what did I do to deserve this? Other days I just out right don't know what to do or say to fix it and other days I seem to find the answer. When it's up to us mum's to care for the kids most of the time on our own, it can become draining and we can wear out. I happened to visit with a friend who has been through this stage with her kids and really encouraged me to keep doing things the way I have been because I am on the right track. It can be hard to know if you are 'winning' when you are seeing no clear results. Sometimes we need the encouragement from another person to see we are doing okay.
If you are like me and don't have a lot of support and your kids are not behaving the best, don't loose heart  dear mum. Keep strong and know this is just a season that will pass,  just stay strong and stand your ground. Try not to get blown around too much by the kids or on lookers who only want' to criticize your parenting skills and offer no encouragement or support. Always remember God gave you the kids he did because He knew you are well equipped to raise them the way He wants them to be raised.
Never feel you are alone and the only one going through whatever is happening in your home. You would probably be surprised how many other homes are just as crazy as mine can be.
Be encouraged my friend. God is watching and knows you are doing the best you know how, and want's you to know He is with you every step of the way.

I know I am a great mum and I know in my heart we all are just doing what we know to do.
I pray you never assume you know better than the next person in how to raise another persons child. May you see where you can offer hope and encouragement to someone else and most of all, I pray that you get that encouragement and support that you need.

Wednesday, 4 April 2012

Raw and Real

As I sit here I have a little sadness in my heart. I have just had a raw and emotional time, a heart to heart with my God. Tears have flowed and a lot of things have been released.
For years I have lived on empty, trying to do everything on my own and have put myself last for longer than I should. I guess today was just the overdue breaking point. For God to do a work in me I had to get here. It's my own doing. No one else has chosen my path but me. When you try to do life your way you end up at a dead end and stay there until you see that it was the wrong way that you went.
I have not managed to do a post for a while due to being too tired. I have been to doctors over the years to find out why but each time nothing seems to be resolved. I have made an appointment for next week and I am believing for answers this time. I am empty, and almost burnt out, it's time it was sorted out.
The whole point in this blog has been for me to show the raw side of me. Truth and nothing but the truth.
I have been talking to a friend about how as women we have a mask we show the world and we only take it off for some people. Only those we love and trust see the real us. There is more satisfaction in showing people what they want to hear and see than there is with showing raw and real. I am completely guilty of this myself. I rarely show that I am struggling or don't have my life under control. It's exhausting keeping up the lies. Unfortunately we women have bought into Satan's lies. We believe the lies, and live doing things in our own strength and show nothing but perfection. I am feeling more and more that a time is coming where we women will be stronger in our relationships than we have been before. For this to happen we need to let our walls down. We need to show the real us. The woman inside you and me is acceptable and lovable, even with all the ugly truths we never show anyone. We are going to get our breakthrough ladies. Its coming, we just need to do our part.
The Holy Spirit revealed to me, I hadn't really accepted that Jesus was enough for me. His dying on the cross was everything I needed and for me to get my breakthrough I had to lay every burden down at the foot of the cross and say to Jesus.
'Thank you Jesus for showing me raw and real. The stripes on your back, the thorns in your head and the blood you shed, were not in vain. You did all of these things for me, so I didn't have to carry life's burdens. I thank you Jesus for giving me somewhere to release them so I could find peace an comfort. You have shown me a love nothing can compare with. A love that is ever present and gives me strength when I need it. I am sorry I tried to do things in my own strength for so long. I am sorry I bought into Satan's lies for so long. I see where I have done you wrong and lay it all at the foot of your cross. I love you Jesus and thank you for for the love you have given me."

Ladies don't be like me and keep going down the wrong path. Stop where you are, thank Jesus for dying for you and for taking all your burdens with Him to the cross. Thank Him for giving you the answers to life and tell Him you are sorry for not seeing Him for who He really is. Most of all tell Him how much you love Him and need Him in your life.