Happy New Year everyone! I hope you all have all been enjoying some quality time with the ones you love. Our new years was a quiet one. The first time we have just spent it as a family. Normally Jason would be away with work and I would have invited a few girls over for games of cards. This year he was home, we put the kids to bed and got to sit together on the couch watching nothing exciting, just being together was enough. We sat up, saw in the new year and went to bed. We may seem like an old married couple but it's how we like it sometimes. Spending time with your best friend is what it's all about anyway, isn't it?
Recently our pastor was speaking about making plans for our life. Making sure we are moving forward in our personal growth, our relationship with God and anything else we may need to step it up with. It is something I have been thinking about a lot lately. I do love my list so of course I have a lot on it. I like to know I am going somewhere even if there is no clear direction. I like change and I like to get excited about the future. I have a husband who is so relaxed about almost everything. Although he is my best friend he does drive me crazy in this department (sometimes best friends do that!). He doesn't seem to make too many plans. It is something we are going to work on in this new year of ours.
We do have some plans though. We are hoping to do a bit of renovation on our house so thats a big one. Not sure what I'm doing yet as have decided to put study on hold again. I was thinking of volunteering somewhere but not sure yet. I do know I will be enjoying some coffee dates with some beautiful friends of mine. Having kids around 24/7 put a bit of a dampener on any of that. We are all excited for the kids, they are going back to their old private school and time will be mine/ours again.
Talking about kids and school has got me thinking about lunches. I was going to start a group on facebook (still might yet) and invite all mums to put their ideas/links out there for others to see. I get stuck in this area. I bake some things but mostly it's junk. I want to start the school year off well. My kids have hardly touched any of the usual food they ate before. I just stopped buying it and they just found other things to eat. When they are at school I like to know if they are hungry they have something available. I have a daughter who doesn't like sandwiches or wraps. If she had her way it would be sushi instead. I am not about to do that and I know some people send their kids with leftovers from meals. I like that idea but am never sure how to store it for them. I need a bit of help. If you are a great mum who has it all together in this department, feel free to help me and others out.
If you can't or don't want to respond on here, feel free to add me on facebook. I would love to hear what ideas you all have.
May 2013 be a year we all look deep into ourselves. Let's not stay the same as we have been, let's start making big plans for our present and our future. The past has been and gone, a new year awaits. What are the amazing things you are going to achieve???
Made for more
Monday, 31 December 2012
Thursday, 20 December 2012
Merry Christmas
Well it's the busy time of the year, I for one will be glad for next week to come and then I can sit down and relax. That is of we are still here with this whole December 22nd prediction looming lol. I for one am not buying into the hype, but time will tell. If we are still here we will get to enjoy a nice day celebrating our sons 12th birthday and our church Christmas carols in the park. I really am sure God has a lot more things he wants to do, and want's us to do before he destroys everything.
Every year I like to get the five of us and do a family Christmas photo. Time just wasn't on our side this year so it didn't happen. I did however get a picture of our three kids. I found the idea on Pinterest but it wasn't as successful as the ones I saw. I like it still so thats the main thing. Our eldest was not amused but we took the picture anyway. I like fun pictures but feel the kids are going to be glad when I stop making them do them lol.
Merry Christmas to you all. I pray you enjoy some special family time, and may you take a moment in the busyness of it all, to remember the reason for the season.... Jesus!
Every year I like to get the five of us and do a family Christmas photo. Time just wasn't on our side this year so it didn't happen. I did however get a picture of our three kids. I found the idea on Pinterest but it wasn't as successful as the ones I saw. I like it still so thats the main thing. Our eldest was not amused but we took the picture anyway. I like fun pictures but feel the kids are going to be glad when I stop making them do them lol.
Tuesday, 4 December 2012
Tis The Busy Season
Well since my last post my days seemed to get busier. I have managed to almost complete my Christmas shopping and have been helping out with different activities our church has been doing.
My friend Jenn and I made these for our youth group kids at Velocity. They were a big hit and quite easy to make. We made them up and they glued on some decorations.
I got the idea for these m&m bags off Pinterest. I couldn't resist making these. I am in the process of making a heap of these for the Velocity kids as part of their Christmas gift packs. I think they turned out great!
My friend Jenn and I made these for our youth group kids at Velocity. They were a big hit and quite easy to make. We made them up and they glued on some decorations.
I got the idea for these m&m bags off Pinterest. I couldn't resist making these. I am in the process of making a heap of these for the Velocity kids as part of their Christmas gift packs. I think they turned out great!
Tuesday, 27 November 2012
Growing Up Fast
The weeks seem to be flying by so quickly. I really cant believe it's almost December.
For the first time in a very long time I am not ready for Christmas to come yet. I have not been present shopping. I usually would have been by now. Having kids home has not allowed me the time to brows the shops, and every time hubby is home there have been more important things to get done.
We have been busy here with kids getting their work books done and I have been trying to sort through a lot of things around the house. The two terms with the kids home has flown by. The term will be over and they will be on holidays and back at school before I know it!
Sometimes it's hard to remember how small my kids use to be. They have grown so much, some days I would love to have them little again but most of the time I just enjoy knowing they are growing up and becoming who they are meant to be.
For the first time in a very long time I am not ready for Christmas to come yet. I have not been present shopping. I usually would have been by now. Having kids home has not allowed me the time to brows the shops, and every time hubby is home there have been more important things to get done.
We have been busy here with kids getting their work books done and I have been trying to sort through a lot of things around the house. The two terms with the kids home has flown by. The term will be over and they will be on holidays and back at school before I know it!
Sometimes it's hard to remember how small my kids use to be. They have grown so much, some days I would love to have them little again but most of the time I just enjoy knowing they are growing up and becoming who they are meant to be.
Tuesday, 9 October 2012
Worry Not
Hello everyone, how are we today? I am not sure who really follows my ramblings really because you are all so quiet!!!!! I see there are many of you from all around the world and I am happy to have you joining me now and then.
Well as you all know I love to scrapbook. For the past month I have kept all my stuff out and sat at my table most days and just got stuck into it. It was amazing and it was a much needed time for me. I also managed to keep up with things around the house. Whenever I needed a break I got up and pottered around and got little things done.
It was nice to relax and focus on things I wanted to and not have to be so responsible for five minutes. Something I don't do very well being the control freak, order keeper and bossy mum lol. It felt amazing!
While I was in this scrapping zone, I really started thinking about what I enjoy and what makes me happy. Other than scrapping I really enjoy reading. Not the soppy romance kinda stuff. (That was all I read as a teen). Now the kind of books I read are the ones that improve me and get my mind thinking.
Recently I ordered a book called 'Unglued' by Lysa Terkeurst. It arrived yesterday and because I have packed up my scrapping stuff for a minute, I thought I would enjoy the sun while it was shining and enjoy a cuppa with my new book. I got through a few chapters and then had to come inside for a while. Without thinking I got onto the computer and just started looking up counselling courses to do online. I found one that will let me start when I am ready and at my own pace. I spoke to someone but have not decided if I want to start it yet. When I do it will be part time not all in like before. Will let you know how that goes.
A while later I made another cuppa and sat outside for more sun and read a few more chapters. One section made me stand up out of my chair and head strait to my computer and here I am.
This is the bit of gold that I found;
'The radio announcer was talking about how freaked out people get when their cats climb up trees. His guest was a firefighter who gets at least one call a week from someone wanting help to get their cat down. The firefighter said, if he has time, he'll help them out, but if he's not able to go, he gently reminds the cat owner that he's never seen a cat skeleton in a tree.'
I am someone who thinks about everything and want's to know that things will work out. If there is a problem I want to find the solution. I like all my 'duck's in a row' so everything will 'work out'.
Sometimes we control freaks need to let go and let God.
God has a plan.
God's plans will work out.
God's plan is better than ours.
Once we work that out, we find we don't need to know it all, and don't need all the answers before we let go.
I am slowly learning all of this, as I am sure some of you out there are.
If you can get a hold of 'Unglued', I am sure you will enjoy it as much as I have so far.
I am someone who thinks about everything and want's to know that things will work out. If there is a problem I want to find the solution. I like all my 'duck's in a row' so everything will 'work out'.
Sometimes we control freaks need to let go and let God.
God has a plan.
God's plans will work out.
God's plan is better than ours.
Once we work that out, we find we don't need to know it all, and don't need all the answers before we let go.
I am slowly learning all of this, as I am sure some of you out there are.
If you can get a hold of 'Unglued', I am sure you will enjoy it as much as I have so far.
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding Seek his will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take."
Proverbs 3:5-6
Monday, 17 September 2012
Feeling Alive!???
Hello everyone! It's been a while I know. Having my three kids at home, home-schooling has been quite rewarding but also time consuming. I have thought to get on here but have not really wanted to. The inspiration just hasn't been there. There have been days where I felt quite ordinary and not really interested in anything.
When we started home-schooling, the plan was to do it just for the last half of this year. We have been to the kids old private school and hope to start them there next year.
With all these plans for them, I have been thinking a lot about my own plans. Plans to have five minutes to my self again, and what can I do once I have more free time again. I have tried the study thing and found it quite hard but it was interesting to me. I don't have long until my score runs out and I would have to re-sit the exam to get it back again, if I don't use it before then. This has made me wonder if I should try again. Just take it slow and see. I was studying counselling and i'm sure their was a reason why I started it.
I guess the biggest thing that has had me thinking was something that was said some weeks ago by my Pastor.
Pastor Ian was sharing how much he feels ALIVE! when he goes surfing. It's his thing. The way he was discribing how it makes him feel and how he tries to do it as much as possible, really got me thinking.
I actually have not stopped thinking about it since!
What has been on my mind since that day has had me wondering. What is my thing?
I guess looking back I have just been in mummy/wife mode for so long, that I have kinda forgotten who I am and what I like.
Yes I have enjoyed myself over the years but I really don't know if that real ALIVE! feeling has been there.
Yes I have all that I have ever wanted. Yes I am happy. But am I ALIVE!??
Does this mean I am a boring person? Have I not truly lived because I have not found my thing?
I guess this is how Satan can get at us and cause confusion and doubt in us. We can start comparing ourselves to others and what they do and what they have achieved.
If I really want to, I can keep thinking this way and feel like I have let myself down, when in reality I should just think of it as a time to re-evaluate and think of the great things I actually do.
When I had decided it was ok if I don't get that ALIVE! feeling when I do anything, I actually realised I am content with the things I do enjoy.
For me scrapbooking is what I love to do. I can't say it gets my adrenaline going but I do enjoy it, especially when scrapping with others. The more I do it the happier I get.
I have been constantly saying I wan't to scrap but never get it out unless someone is going to do it with me. I recently had some friends around to scrap and since then I have left it out so I can do little bits at a time. My house feels messy to me because it's all out and it does get to me, but at the same time I am happy I am doing something I love so I don't care.
I know my pastor was not intending to make anyone feel bad if they don't have a thing. What I think he was trying to tell us was..... go live your life and have fun, enjoy it and do what you love to do.
If you don't know what it is maybe it's time to find it. Just make sure it's something just for you and make it your thing.
When we started home-schooling, the plan was to do it just for the last half of this year. We have been to the kids old private school and hope to start them there next year.
With all these plans for them, I have been thinking a lot about my own plans. Plans to have five minutes to my self again, and what can I do once I have more free time again. I have tried the study thing and found it quite hard but it was interesting to me. I don't have long until my score runs out and I would have to re-sit the exam to get it back again, if I don't use it before then. This has made me wonder if I should try again. Just take it slow and see. I was studying counselling and i'm sure their was a reason why I started it.
I guess the biggest thing that has had me thinking was something that was said some weeks ago by my Pastor.
Pastor Ian was sharing how much he feels ALIVE! when he goes surfing. It's his thing. The way he was discribing how it makes him feel and how he tries to do it as much as possible, really got me thinking.
I actually have not stopped thinking about it since!
What has been on my mind since that day has had me wondering. What is my thing?
I guess looking back I have just been in mummy/wife mode for so long, that I have kinda forgotten who I am and what I like.
Yes I have enjoyed myself over the years but I really don't know if that real ALIVE! feeling has been there.
Yes I have all that I have ever wanted. Yes I am happy. But am I ALIVE!??
Does this mean I am a boring person? Have I not truly lived because I have not found my thing?
I guess this is how Satan can get at us and cause confusion and doubt in us. We can start comparing ourselves to others and what they do and what they have achieved.
If I really want to, I can keep thinking this way and feel like I have let myself down, when in reality I should just think of it as a time to re-evaluate and think of the great things I actually do.
When I had decided it was ok if I don't get that ALIVE! feeling when I do anything, I actually realised I am content with the things I do enjoy.
For me scrapbooking is what I love to do. I can't say it gets my adrenaline going but I do enjoy it, especially when scrapping with others. The more I do it the happier I get.
I have been constantly saying I wan't to scrap but never get it out unless someone is going to do it with me. I recently had some friends around to scrap and since then I have left it out so I can do little bits at a time. My house feels messy to me because it's all out and it does get to me, but at the same time I am happy I am doing something I love so I don't care.
I know my pastor was not intending to make anyone feel bad if they don't have a thing. What I think he was trying to tell us was..... go live your life and have fun, enjoy it and do what you love to do.
If you don't know what it is maybe it's time to find it. Just make sure it's something just for you and make it your thing.
“In almost everything that touches our everyday life on earth, God is pleased when we’re pleased. He wills that we be as free as birds to soar and sing our maker’s praise without anxiety.” ~A.W. Tozer
Friday, 27 July 2012
Cheers to new beginnings
Hi sorry I have been absent for so long. I had planned to blog a lot more than I have when I started on here. Life seems to get in the way and I don't seem to get here as often as I would like.
Lately there have been a lot of social engagements to attend and the kids had school holidays so not a lot of time for blogging during all of that.
The most important engagement was the wedding of my most beautiful 'couch' friend. The one I have blogged about earlier. She has finally found her prince charming and he has swept her off her feet. There was not a long courtship but when you know you have the right one, that really does not matter one bit. Luke and Alinta are a perfect match. I was a part of Alinta's first wedding and was honored to be a part of this one. It is so nice to see her so happy again.
The latest news for our family is we have decided to go down the homeschool road. We had our kids in a private school and we were planning to re-locate a bit further south so took the kids out at the end of the year. This was a year and a half ago and things didn't quite pan out. Since then we bought a house locally and left the kids in the public school. Well needless to say, we saw some changes in them that were not what we would have like to see. They were doing okay academically but their changed behavior was not something we wanted to continue. The BIG choice was made and we are now schooling them at home through a distance education. Eventually we would like them to attend the private school again but we want to see some changes in them before we do. They are great kids but sometimes as a parent we need to step in and do our part to help them become greater
Lately there have been a lot of social engagements to attend and the kids had school holidays so not a lot of time for blogging during all of that.
The most important engagement was the wedding of my most beautiful 'couch' friend. The one I have blogged about earlier. She has finally found her prince charming and he has swept her off her feet. There was not a long courtship but when you know you have the right one, that really does not matter one bit. Luke and Alinta are a perfect match. I was a part of Alinta's first wedding and was honored to be a part of this one. It is so nice to see her so happy again.
The day was a causal affair but turned out beautiful in every way.
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Luke and Alinta |
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My spunky husband(the photographer) and me |
I know some people would probably think we are crazy or even controlling in a way. I think that is the whole point though. We would be crazy not to step in and steer them in a better direction and as parents it our responsibility to do the best job we know to do. It is not a long term path for us (well not at the moment) but I know others who love it and will continue on with it for years to come. Luckily for us the kids were all for it.
There have been some amazing days so far, lots of laughing and bonding going on. There has also been the odd grumble at the amount of work given at the moment due to testing to find out their grade level, but generally it's been a great move for us.
We are planning a family holiday for later this year and lucky for us we can go whenever we want to. We get to enjoy the quiet seasons when everyone else is not on holidays. What we are working on is where to go. The kids and I have never left Australia so would like to experience something new but the homebody in me thinks lets just go to Queensland.
What I would love to know from any of my beautiful readers is where would you go? If you have been anywhere as a family and your kids had a blast please share with me so I can do a bit of research!!
Thanks in advance and please feel free to leave a comment even if its as anonomys........
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